We rely upon giving and donations to provide care and support to everyone in this community. Now more than ever, please consider giving generously to support our mission and ministry. Thank you to those who give each month through the bank - if you normally give via the plate each Sunday you can give securely via Give a Little by following the link below. If you'd like to give via online banking, which means we don't get charged fee, the details are below. You can set this up on your own online or phone banking unfortunately, we can't process paper forms at this time. Thank you for your support. Mike (Rector)
Information Leaflet on Giving at St Mary’s & St Luke’s
To give via the Bank:
(our prefered way as we get 100% of what you give)
Account Name: St Mary's Wistaston PCC
Sort Code: 08 92 99
Account No: 65067004
Ref: << your initial & surname>>
(our prefered way as we get 100% of what you give)
Account Name: St Mary's Wistaston PCC
Sort Code: 08 92 99
Account No: 65067004
Ref: << your initial & surname>>
To give securely online via Give a Little to Church Funds click the Donate to Church Funds button
Easy Fundraising Online
You can give to St Mary's & St Luke's as you shop online without it costing you a penny!
Simply click here and nominate us as your favourite cause, then each time you shop online at the likes of Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, Apple, eBay and many other big retailers a percentage of the sale is paid to St Mary’s! Simple!
Simply click here and nominate us as your favourite cause, then each time you shop online at the likes of Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, Apple, eBay and many other big retailers a percentage of the sale is paid to St Mary’s! Simple!
Leaving a Legacy gift in your will
For many people, leaving a gift in their will is a final opportunity to make a lasting gift to God and perhaps ensuring the future of the local church.
Each year around 4,000 people leave a gift in their will to their church, funding mission projects, maintaining beautiful church buildings and growing faithful communities.
If you would like to include St Mary's and/or St Luke's in your Will then please use the name 'St Mary's Wistaston PCC'. We have a Legacy Officer who would be happy to speak to you and impartially guide you in leaving a legacy to the church - if you's like to speak to him please email the Rector.
To see the difference a legacy can make please watch the video below.
Each year around 4,000 people leave a gift in their will to their church, funding mission projects, maintaining beautiful church buildings and growing faithful communities.
If you would like to include St Mary's and/or St Luke's in your Will then please use the name 'St Mary's Wistaston PCC'. We have a Legacy Officer who would be happy to speak to you and impartially guide you in leaving a legacy to the church - if you's like to speak to him please email the Rector.
To see the difference a legacy can make please watch the video below.