New Church Electoral Roll 2019
If you live in the Parish (you can check with your post code at or you attend St Mary’s or St Luke's regularly, you are entitled to be on the Electoral Roll (ER) of the church. This year, as per church regulations, we are compiling a completely new ER, so even if you are currently on the ER, you will need to fill in a form to apply to be on it for the next six years. You can pick up a form from either church, the Church Office or on our online at
Applications for the New ER open on 2 February 2019 and close on 16 March 2019. After this date the ER will be closed for new applications until after the Annual Parochial Church Meeting which is on 7 April 2019. You will be able to hand your new completed form to Sue and Bob, our Electoral Roll Officers, or via St Mary’s/St Luke’s, the Warden, the Rector or the Church Office. Please note that the Church Electoral Roll is different to the Civic Electoral Roll. |